

May 2021
open fridays-sundays or by appointment

featuring work by Angela Alderate, Caroline Boylstone, Dianna Oliver, Karen Mcgann, Lidia Woofenden, Mitch Pheifle, Todd Dunn, Tasha Flahrety and Dyer Rhoads

two “smalls” by Caroline Boylestone

Home by Caroline Boylestone

Sometimes Family Isn’t Blood. It’s the people that love and care about you and are the ones that are there for you by Tasha Flaherty

1-6 by Todd Dunn

Bill Clinton by Angela Alderate and Ralph by Dianna Oliver

Bruce Lee by Angela Alderate

625 by Mitch Pheilfe orange bowl by Lidia Woofenden

Crazy II by Angela Alderate, three birds by Karen Mcgann

Selection of groovy birds by Karen Mcgann

Lollipop Tree by Jenell Edson

The Before/After Fall by Dyer Rhoads